Category: Information
February 2020 meeting report
Sussex Playwrights February 2020 meeting
Sussex Playwrights was first formed in 1935 to promote members’ writing.
In the 21st century one of the best ways to spread the word is to get the writer’s voice out there, using the text and sound publishing systems available to us.
Sussex Playwrights: The Podcast
At our February 2020 meeting, we recorded material for our podcast introduction and promotion.
A chance for members to make short announcements about upcoming projects and productions.
In future podcasts we’ll include readings and interviews with writers, actors, directors and producers.
Announcing the 2020-2021 Constance Cox Prize Playwriting Competition
With the rise and rise of Print On Demand publishing, we’re planning to promote writers and writing by publishing the first collection of plays for stage under the Sussex Playwrights brand.
Our next Constance Cox Prize Playwriting Competition will also be a call for entries for this collection.
Details will be published on the website later on.
Enquiries to Thomas Everchild,