October 3rd 2021 meeting report

Sussex Playwrights had a quiet time over lockdown, but on October 3rd 2021 we had our first face to face meeting at the New Venture Theatre Bar in eighteen months.

We might call it a soft re-launch – a careful, quiet coming back together again in a space, over a glass of wine, to chat about how we’ve been, what we’ve done, what we’ve seen.

As theatre gradually came back to life, we began seeing shows again over the summer and you can read some of our reviews over the year at this site.

We’ve met at the NVT bar the first Sunday of the month for decades with lockdown being our only break [we were all there in spirit!].

Our next meeting will be Sunday November 7th 7-9 pm.

Keep an eye on the website and the Facebook Page for the first formal Event notification.

We hope to see you then.

Philippa Hammond, chair

Lockdown January 2021 online meeting report

Sussex Playwrights suspended face to face meetings during the lockdown April 2020 – September 21.

We checked in with a podcast of a previous meeting, and then an online Zoom meeting on January 3rd 2021.

There followed a quiet period where although we did not meet either in person or online, we continued to celebrate Sussex Playwrights’ members’ and friends’ successes via our Facebook Page.

Do check out the Sussex Playwrights Facebook Page to see some of our reports.