About the July 2018 meeting

The group enjoyed a wide ranging discussion on plays and playwriting, production and performance, topics including:
Producing and performing at Brighton Open Air Theatre
The Read Not Dead project at the Globe Theatre, London
Getting your work onto BBC Radio 4 – changes in structure at Broadcasting House and how to contact the relevant BBC radio drama producers
The George Devine and Verity Bargate writing awards
The New Venture Theatre new season launch and programme
Crowd pleasers v challenging new theatre – how to run a theatre and plan a season
The practicalities of reviewing and critiquing theatre
Arts Council applications – the policies and processes
The relative merits of Brighton theatres from the producer/performer point of view
Practicalities of writing audio dramas, ten minute dramas and solo shows
The value of holding table readings with actors
The ‘self-directing actor’
A great sweeping conversation, this meeting!
We will be holding back our latest news about competition and future plans until our August 5th meeting.
Chair Philippa Hammond played several roles in Brighton Shakespeare Company’s summer production The Comedy of Errors at Shoreham Wordfest and Brighton Open Air Theatre in June.
Fringe Review said: ‘ … a light-footed, thump-fisted, limp-wristed and eye-poppingly uproarious production … Long may this company tie up our attention of a summer evening.’ Highly Recommended Show.
See the August meeting post for news of our next event and how you can take part.